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Interview at the Luxury Fair1.618 Paris
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What is the future of luxury for you?


"At the beginning of the 21st century marked by the multiplication of economic, ecological, demographic and technological risks and depressive illnesses due to the development of a world based on competition, luxury is the awareness of wanting to "be" more. what to have.
Luxury brands have understood this well by communicating through the image of the pioneers of aeronautics or the underwater world so that consumers identify with Bertrand Piccard, the founder of the solar plane, or Sylvia Earle , the greatest aquanaut of all time, who today are veritable "guardian angels of the planet".
Living healthily and in harmony with nature will become a luxury accessible to the privileged few if things do not change. Eating organic and healthy tasty products is expensive. Traveling to still virgin paradises, not yet overcrowded with tourists, is almost impossible today. Bathing in pure water, breathing pure air becomes difficult. And the more it goes, the more everything that is necessary to live happily, simply, healthily will be a luxury that only the very rich of the Planet will be able to afford!

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Is this what we want for the future of our children?
The future of luxury will be to put in place practices from an early age to bring a cooperative dimension and human values necessary for humanistic development in a healthy environment that the world and future generations need to regain the momentum, the hope, the participatory dynamism of an enlightened and sustainable civilisation.
Today, lying in the sun in front of a thousand-year-old olive tree, this wise old man conveys his serenity to me and reminds me that we are but stardust in the universe. This meeting is worth all the gold in the world!”


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